Thursday, February 28, 2013

Professional pictures

I woke up today, still missing my little boy.  It just seemed like a day better spent in bed, doing nothing.  Before him when I was sad, thinking about his condition I just wrapped my arms around my belly and hugged him.  Now when I am sad there is nothing to hold.  Eventually I dragged myself out of bed, figuring I better be productive in some manner.  On the way out of my house to run some errands I checked my mail.  I got my pictures from the NILMDTS photographer.  I was so excited I came back inside right away to look at pictures.  They are beautiful, and she took SO many I can never say thank you enough.  I think Emery was looking out.  He knew mom was having a hard day and sent her something beautiful to hold on to.  So thankful I got them, I have spent the rest of the day with a smile.  So here are some of the pictures I got from her....

These pictures have melted me.  So thankful for these and the many other ones she took as well!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My arms are empty but my heart is full

It is 20 days after the birth, and sadly death of my son.  I sit here with a heavy heart, thought it doesn't feel empty.  My heart is filled with more love then ever.  Emery made my heart grow bigger then it was.  I may not have my son in my arms, like most mothers of a 3 week old, but I have the same love for him.  I have the same pride a mother has for their child.  I have a heavy heart as I sit here, planning his memorial and thinking about him, but I certainly don't feel empty.   My son brought so much to my life and continues to.  He taught me to enjoy every moment with the people you love, a lesson not very well known until your facing mortality and you realize how precious and much value your loved ones carry.  He taught me to share, and to give as much as possible.  I may not have much money, but I have time and I can sure share that.  I want to help other families who are facing the death of their children.  It is something that made such a huge difference to me, was meeting others who were just compassionate about what I was going through because they went through it themselves.  

I have enjoyed sharing Emery's story and I still do.  He still touches my life every day and I am always looking for ways to incorporate him into my days. I work on his scrapbook, and hang pictures of him in my house.  I took his stuffed dog we got while I was pregnant and stuffed him with rice, to make him weigh the same as Emery did.  I love continuing to write about him regularly.  It helps me process all of this, and helps me through my sad times as well as happy ones.

I a really missing him tonight.  It isn't fair he isn't here with me.  I know he saved 2 other babies, and I would never be in the position I am where I can possibly help other families going through the same things if I hadn't lost my son.  But I am selfish and I just want him back with me so badly.  Even if I think of more kids in the future, I just think I will be bringing him home.  Like this is just a bump in the road and I will have him back with me soon.  It is such a weird thing to wrap your head around that your child is never coming back.  What an uncomfortable thought.  I mean I know it is true, and most of the time I can handle that, but it isn't easy, even on the best days.  And I do have many of those.

It is ok for a parent in this situation to have good days and bad.  But no one should have to "fake it" just to fulfill an image that others have of what you should be doing.  When I have good days I really have good days,  and when I have bad ones that is ok too.  I am not depressed because I cry about missing my son.  I am not crazy just because I am genuinely happy about the time we shared.  There isn't a book or guideline for grief, there are ups and downs and there is no controlling that.  Life is messy and grief is certainly not an exception.

I planted some seeds for him today.  They came with his urn and a message saying to plant them in your loved ones memory.  Hopefully I make them grow and don't kill them, since I normally suck at watering plants.  I just think it will be so nice to look at the flowers and think of him.  

I love my son and miss him so very much, but I know he is looking out for me, and sending me dragonflies every day. :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Finding Emery in every day

If you are looking for information about his memorial click Here.


I have not written in a few days so I could leave up info about his memorial, but now I have to much to say SO I want to write again :)  Last night I was able to go and do something I had been planning to do for months.  Ever since I knew about Emery's diagnoses I knew I wanted to get a tattoo in his memory, to always carry a piece of him close to me.  I also wanted it to be something to include my daughter, since it would be my first tattoo and I didn't want to do something for Emery when I hadn't done anything for her.  I knew it had to be something to incorporate both my kids.  As soon as I noticed all the dragonflies I knew it had to be a dragonfly and a butterfly.  We had always called my daughter the butterfly princess because she was surrounded by butterflies, every year on her birthday we see more then we ever see!  Then since my baby shower I had decided to add my flowers to it.  Someone had told me the meaning of cherry blossoms at my shower and I thought it was beautiful.  I actually had read online that it had 2 meanings depending on the country.  One was feminine power and beauty, the other is the transience of life.  Because the cherry blossom is very beautiful but its life is very short.  I felt like it fit both of my kids, it was perfect.  Then I decided about the iris'.  Iris is Emery's middle name, it means love.  I also came up with the idea of more of a water color style tattoo because I wanted it to be different!  I didn't want the same tattoo that everyone else has.  I wanted it to look more like a picture then a tattoo, outlined in black.  SO  I finally got it last night.  I love it, now I always have my butterfly and dragonfly here with me :)

I went to church today for the first time in a few months.  I have never gone regularly, as I never was really religious.  When you are told that your baby will die I imagine a lit of people question God asking how could this happen?  or Why me?  Why my baby?  But during the pregnancy and especially since he has been born, my husband and I both have found God more then we ever had before.  We had a new faith, and took comfort in believing that our son was looking down from heaven.  Also the people of this church have been so amazing to us, even though we hadn't been going.  We had people visit us in the hospital, and I had people come up to me today, who I didn't even know, tell me they were praying for me.  The pastor even had come to the hospital when Emery was born and baptized him for us and said a prayer for him.  It was so special and beautiful.  Why would I not want to go to this church with so many caring people??  It was nice going to church today, but it did make me miss Emery a lot!!  He was just on my mind the whole time.  Maybe I missed him so much because he was in church with us :) who knows.

I am so lucky to have gotten to share my son with so many people.  I love that I get to talk about him all the time and people are interested in hearing about it!   I am so blessed to know how many people he has touched.  I think that as I have watched the number of people reading this blog continue to grow I have just been completely blown away.  I have heard from many people about publishing it into a book.  I really am starting to think it might be a good idea.    I have people follow me on facebook, and read this regularly just to hear about us.I have talked to people who have been in the same situation and been able to share my story, and to help them find their way through they journeys with their babies.   It has only been 18 days since I have lost my son but I so want to help others through it as much as I can.  I learned a lot about what was really important and how to cherish that.  I know of support groups, and people who can make everything from gowns, to bears, or to help make sure you have a birth plan and keepsakes for your children.  Every parent should be able to walk away knowing that everything they did and planned was what they had wanted for their child.
I will continue writing my blog regularly, updating about our journey with Emery, while he is looking down on us, but while I do all this I think I will look into how to publish it.  I would love to reach as many people as possible so that they know they are not alone.  They should know it is ok to be angry, or sad.  It is NORMAL!  A lot of this makes you question what to do, and if your handling it well.  Some think you have to fake happiness, or even sadness because you aren't doing it right.  But who is to say you aren't doing it right.  What is right for me may not be close to what is right for you, or the people in your life, but I want to share what I have learned.  I want to be able to share my son, and his beautiful journey.  I have found him in my life every day since he has been gone, and I want to continue that.  He may not be in my arms like most other newborns, but he is sure here with me :)  I am so lucky to have held my angel before he spent every day holding me, helping me make sure I still hold on to happiness.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Emery's memorial

We are planning a balloon release and picnic in memory of our son. It will be March 9th, unless the weather is bad then it will be the following Saturday. It will be at the city park in Pueblo. If you are close enough to drive here please do! Otherwise gather balloons where you are at and release them at 11:55 from where you are at, and take lots of pictures to send to me!! I will have cards to attach to them if you are interested, and they can be printed off online as well (if you want them sent to you please let me know). They have a link to my blog with a few sentences about Emery's journey.

If you come please bring balloons filled with helium, a lunch for yourself, and if you wish, something to donate to the hospital. I will be collecting donations that day for parents who lose babies while in the hospital. It is not necessary to bring any but they will be greatly appreciated. Ideas are new blankets, newborn/preemie outfits, and (the best one) hand/feet molds.
Also if you are to far too bring something, but still want to donate I have set up a PO box to receive things from a distance. You can send things to Ashley Cortez PO Box 3193, Pueblo, CO 81005.

We appreciate all the love, support and prayers and hope to see you there, or pictures you have taken of your own balloons. Pictures can be emailed to .

Also I have been asked where to send various things to our family. I appreciate it greatly, it is so sweet to know so many people are wanting to make us smile :)  Though comments on here are more then enough to get me to smile.  I got the PO box to send things to so use the above address for cards, dragonflies ect.   Thank you all again :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Life without a belly

I have been readjusting to not having a baby taking up all the space in my belly.  Sometimes I have phantom kick,  I remember what it was like having my little boy bouncing around and think for just a moment I am feeling him.  It is so strange that he was only there for 9 months, and it is weird to not have him there.  9 months is only a fraction of my life but he was so important I feel empty and not right just by having him not there.  The first night after I had him that I rolled over onto my stomach I cried myself to sleep.  I missed having him force me to lay on my side.  As uncomfortable as sleeping on my side with a giant stomach could be I would go back and do it a million times over to have him in there again.  With my daughter I was so thrilled to be over my pregnancy.  I was excited to have a flatter belly, and to sleep like normal again, but this time, with no baby to carry around I feel completely different.  Don't get me wrong I am glad I have already lost a bunch of weight (especially great since I didn't gain any weight while pregnant) but I would give it all up to have more time with him.

Even though my son's life was so short, and he only lived outside of me for 11 minutes( I had guessed 3 because time was flying by, but hospital paperwork says 11) I wish I could relive that say together over and over.  Every time we looked at the clock, hours had gone by and my husband and I both wished time would just have slowed down.  People told me that it would be the happiest and saddest day of my life, that I wished I could relive every day, and that couldn't be more true.  Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since he has born and it feels like yesterday and years ago all at the same time.  Losing a child, you have to hold onto the past as a piece of you is always going to be there.  Most of the time in life you need to look ahead and move past the past, but in this case it isn't possible.  When he left me, he took a piece of me with him, it has changed my concept of time warping everything into fast and slow at the same time.

There are times too when I am alone I start to talk to him, like I talked to my belly, and then realize he is no longer there, I have got to say it really makes me miss him.  Every once and a while to I notice my husband start to hug my belly, or start to say something and then he stops himself.  During his short time with us Emery was such a part of our daily routine.  I think we did more then we ever normally would have to keep him connected with us every day.  We figured time was short and we should include him in every day.  I loved when my husband would talk to him, Emery did too.  We were told by the doctors that he couldn't see or hear or feel, but really I don't think they knew what they were talking about.  When he would hear us talk he would freeze,  when he would feel us touch him he would kick back, and if my husband was laying with him and then left he would throw himself around.  He also got so mad when he had the hiccups, hard to believe he had no idea what was going on like the doctor said.

Sometimes this feels like a dream.  I know it is my life, I have been living it ever since we recieved his diagnoses, but some days it still feels like a dream.  I know this whole blog sounds sad, but I am more just reminiscing   I miss him yes, think about him every day, yes, and would do anything to get him back, but I am thankful for the time we did have, and I am SO very happy I got to see my handsome son, and his beautiful face.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thank you's are not enough...

I wonder why someone would be so horrible to say such awful things about someone elses child.  I was reading about another mom who had lost a child to anencephaly as well and people were commenting saying such rude things to the family.  I mean come on!  Isn't it enough to have just lost a child??  I have been very blessed to avoid all the negative comments and rude people so far, but I wish no one had to deal with that.  Every parent, no matter what the case is with their child wishes they could show off their kid, and they should have EVERY right to be proud of their children.   I know personally I am immensely proud of my own son.  I do not judge anyone who does not want to carry to term but I am so very thankful that I did.  People are so harsh and unkind.  As I hear these terrible stories I am more and more thankful to have the family and friends I do.  I also am thankful for the new people I have met during this journey.  It makes me happy to share his story and have so many people interested in hearing about him, I feel special, and am lucky to share how special he was.
SO Thank you for the love, support, and prayer again.  I know I have said it before but I am truely blown away by how many people care about the life we gave our son.  I hope that if one other family was unsure if they could make it through this they can read my story and know its possible!  It is possible to give your child a birthday, to see you baby's face.  No matter what hardships you face in the awful journey of losing a child having the pictures and memories make it all so worth it.  Loving your baby isn't a hard thing to do, saying goodbye is the hard part, and unfortunately, sometimes you have no choice.
I love my son, and will miss him every day.  I keep my eyes peeled for dragonflies and have been so thankful to see them often.  I know it is him saying "I am ok mom".  My beautiful guardian angel is keeping his eyes out for me to keep my spirits up.  No matter how hard these past few weeks have been I smile seeing pictures of my son, holding my heart of his weight, and remembering the very short time we spent together.  My son was so loved and was, and always will be one of the greatest blessings of my life, he has taught me endless love and strength and made me find a faith I never knew I had.  Thank you Emery for being my miracle.  Even though thank you's are not enough!

Look at my strong little man!!
What a fighter :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pictures of Emery

I  missing Emery lots tonight, so I thought I would share some pictures, while snuggling his heart I got from a heart to hold(picture below).  Also they will NOT go in order for some strange reason.

 Dad holding on tight to his son
 My sweet son's little face, I love looking at this picture.
 Holding him close!
All of our hospital bracelets.
 How big I was on Sunday night when I got admitted, they let me wear my dress the whole time, so much nicer then a hospital gown.
 Contaction monitor
 Getting one of the many epidurals I had
 My tree of medicine
Holding my handsome son.
The last time I got to hold him (as I said not in order!)
 His little booties my grandma made.
 A picture my daughter took of him, it is in my living room :)
 Another picture my daughter took
 Getting hand prints
 I cannot turn it,  But he had a lot of black hair :)
 tiny , but long little toes
 Kissing his cheek
 Such an amazing boy
Wrapped up tight in his blanket
My heart.  It weights 6 pounds 8 ounces made just for us in memory of Emery.  They wrapped it in a dragonfly ribbon too.  It is so perfect to hold when I am missing him.  I like that I won't ever forget how heavy he was,  those are the things you can't record in pictures.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

When I was pregnant, each holiday we did a little something special for Emery.  Knowing they would be his only holiday I tried to find ways to include him.  I dressed up goofy on Halloween, and he got presents on Christmas.  This is the first holiday without him around.  He is still in my heart as much as ever, and Valentines day is about showing your loved ones, that you love them right?  Since we are all about the unconventional ways of things now after losing our son I am excited my boy will be home for Valentines.  8 days ago we had to give him up and then we went to say goodbye, but today he is coming home.  I get to go pick up his ashes in a few hours.  The idea of him being away has been so stressful, I think having him home will put me back into a place of peace.  I will know he is near by.  SO best part of my Valentines day will be enjoying and loving my family, even my little boy :)

I think I still want to try to find a moment of the holiday's just to do something for him.  Maybe today I will take some time aside and work on his baby book/scrapbook.  I will get to look through his pictures which just melt me.

Just because your loved one isn't by your side, doesn't mean you can't show them they are loved.  I am lucky to have an angel watching over me, knowing that I care, even if it is harder then having him by my side.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

1 week

Today I should be celebrating 1 week old with my son.  Instead it has been 1 week since he has been an angel.  I should be holding him kissing him and tickling his toes.  Instead I am waiting for his urn to be delivered and waiting for a call as to when his cremation will take place.  What a horribly awful thing to be doing as a parent.  I should be feeding him, and changing his diaper, rocking him when he cries, things that I will never get to do for him.  I know now that he had a much bigger purpose then my selfish wishes, but I can't help but think about it.  My heart goes out to any parent who has ever had to do this.  Your mind wanders about the what if's instead of the what are's.

As most people are adjusting to a new schedule with baby I am adjusting to my life without one.  I am putting pictures of our time together on my wall.  I have been working on his baby book.  I got a charm bracelet to add on to remember him. It is a weird thing to plan your life with your angel.  It is hard to love someone so much and know you can never again hug or kiss them.  My son was and always will have a huge impact on my life, it is just strange to know he won't physically be a part of it.

It was one week ago that I saw my son's face.  I held him in my arms and loved him more then I could explain.  It was one week ago my whole family met him.  Just a brief moment in their lives that were forever changed by the presence of Emery.  It was one week ago I listened to my son's heartbeat and gave him his first bath.  It was one week ago I filled my camera with pictures of every inch of his body and wished for the clock to slow down.  It was one week ago I said hello and goodbye to my son.  One week ago my life was changed forever.  My son, my hero, my angel, my little dragonfly.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Being a sister to an angel

What does it mean to be a sister?  By definition it mean you are related to other children that your parents have.  But traditionally, the way most people see it, is the siblings you grow up with.  You tease each other, and play with each other, you protect each other.  You figure out life as you work your ways through your childhood, together.  How are you a sister when your brother is an angel?

My daughter was so worried when we told her that her brother was sick that it meant she didn't get to be a big sister.  We promised that even though he wasn't coming home with us she would always be his big sister. My husband and I sat and talked with her, we told her that he would always be our son, therefore he would always be her brother.  We did our best to explain to her what it would mean, but it was certainly not easy, because we weren't even sure what it meant to us.

We did our best to include her in the pregnancy, the way we would if everything was normal.  She came to ultrasounds and we painted my belly.  We talked about him and prayed for him at night. We assured her she would be his sister always.  I even let her explain to people that mommy had her brother in her tummy,  I think it helped her process.  She also  drew pictures for him and wrote him letters, telling him she would always love him. Her love for her brother, who she only knew through kicks and pictures was so strong.

Once we were in the hospital she was so excited to see him. Every time she walked into the room she asked if Emery was here yet.  We got her a shirt that said big sister and she anxiously awaited his arrival.  She decided she didn't want to hold him at the time, I think she was overwhelmed by everything going on.  She took pictures of him, and helped us sing him happy birthday, but she kept her distance, a little nervous as to what was going on.  As she told us goodbye and left us at the hospital she seemed happy and ok with everything.

A few days later though she asked me if Emery ever woke up.  We told her that he had gone with the angels, upset she said "why didn't I get to take him to the angels?"  I was at a loss for how to explain it, and didn't want to talk anymore.  I felt so bad.  I tried my best to prepare her, and myself for questions she may have but that threw me.  How do I answer that?  She hasn't brought it up anymore but it is still an answer I am trying to find.  It is a hard thing for an adult to comprehend, how do you tell a 4 year old?

It has been 6 days since the birth of her brother and she loves him as much as ever.  Each night she prays for him, and thanks him for saving 2 other babies.  She has pictures in her room, and his hand prints and footprints on her wall.  She has a matching hospital blanket, the same as the one he had.  She loves him as much as if he was here.  Rover (a dog that matches one we made him) is always near by and she loves looking through his baby book I am working on.

To be a sister to an angel it means you hold onto a memory, to pictures instead of a hand.  But it doesn't mean the love is any less.  Emery will always be her brother whether she is 4 or 40 and I know she will always have a special place for him in her heart.  She may be young, but she is so smart, and so full of love he has touched her heart forever.

I am so proud of the strength and love that my daughter has :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013


The emotion roller coaster that begins the moment you receive a diagnoses telling you your child will die is unreal.  It speeds up and twists and turns faster and crazier as time grows near slamming to a hault when your baby is in your arms.  No matter the fate of your child, the love you feel for them is so unreal and greatly surpasses any fear or sadness.  In the moment you see your child's face all you feel is joy.  Though I will never feel as though I ever had enough time with my son I have to say every moment I saw him was one of happiness.  The most special moment was when he was first born, with him laying in my arms and the nurse let me hear his heartbeat.  It was a moment I will forever remember and cherish.  Since he was with us for just moments I was so lucky to have held him his whole life.  Even after he passed, I was happy though, I knew he was at peace.  I couldn't stop staring, I wanted to memorize every moment, every inch of his body.

I was so happy to have my family there as well.  Everyone got a chance to hold him, and there was lots of tears, but also so much love.  I loved sharing him with all the people who loved him, and loved us.  The day we spent with him couldn't have been more perfect.  We have pictures of every moment and once our families left I spent time taking pictures of every inch of his precious body.  He had very long finger nails, and hair all over his body.  He had long little toes, and huge shoulders.  He had such muscular arms and legs.  My son was so precious and melted me.  I am thankful for all the pictures of every moment so that every day I can look and smile and remember the time we shared.

The roller coaster unfortunately started again.  As  the moments with him flew by it was eventually time to say goodbye.  I held him one last time and kissed his cheek, then handed him over to the nurse.  As soon as the door closed behind her I broke down.  My husband caught me before I hit the floor, and together we just stood there, holding each other and crying.  Who is ever ready to give up their child?  I couldn't tell my little boy goodbye,  I just wanted to bring him home and carry him around with me.  In a strange way I was thankful to have a time limit set.  The hospital didn't set one but the donation place did.  They needed to do the surgery within a certain amount of time, and though I would I have LOVED more time with Emery, I am glad I didn't have to make the call as to when to say goodbye.  We kept him with us for every moment we were allowed.  The nurse came to get him right at 11pm which was when he had to leave by.  It broke me saying goodbye, but I later found out I wasn't the only one.

I guess after the nurse took Emery, she stopped by the nurses station and cried, she couldn't give him up either.  She was so touched by us and by him that she had a hard time saying goodbye too.  I guess they all passed him around and each nurse took a moment to say goodbye.  I know we got so lucky to have the hospital and nurses that we did.  They truly cared for him and for us, and the whole time treated him normally and did anything to make us comfortable.

That night I cried myself to sleep.  Stuck in the hospital, exhausted and overwhelmed, I was spending my first night without my son.  I even woke up in the night and cried some more.  I felt empty and alone and had no idea how to handle it all.  In the morning I got up really early, ready to go home.  I said goodbye to one of my favorite nurses (as she left at 6am) and waited around for them to let me leave.  But then I got a phone call from the donation place.  They told me that the surgery was done and he was on his way to the funeral home.  She said that his little heart was perfect and he would be saving 2 babies!!  She also said we could find out when they are used, and the story that goes with it.  I hung up the phone and lost it.  Once again my husband and I are in tears.  But this was tears of happiness.  Our son who we couldn't save, was able to save 2 other babies.  Because of our special son, 2 other families would get to know their babies.  What an amazing gift I never expected to be able to give.  There was so much happiness in it we left the hospital in peace.  It was weird to come home with no baby but there was some strange peace that followed us, I know he was looking out for us.

As days continue emotions still flip flop.  Some days I am so happy, so at peace.  Other days I want to stay in bed and cry.  Losing a baby is not a fair part of life.  It is something I hope others do not have to experience, but unfortunately I have found out I am not a rare occurance.  My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child,  it is a hole in your heart that can never be healed.  I hope though that my openness about my journey with Emery I can show someone that love is more powerful then tragedy.  My love for him is so much more powerful then the grief I have.  As I remember the time I had with him love fills me so much more then grief does.  Yes I am sad.  Yes this is hard.  Yes I wish things were different. Yes sometimes I completely break down. But I know my son will be my angel looking out for me from above, and for that I am not afraid anymore.  No matter what life brings I have an angel to fill me up with love and strength.

One of my favorite pictures!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

How I met MY angel (birth story and pictures)

February 3rd at 11 o'clock I got to the hospital to start my induction.  It was so hard to get in, I was even running late because it was such a pain to get in with all the doors locked and no one knew where I should have gone.  I got up to labor and delivery and they set me up in a room, down a hallway they never use, in the room at the end.  I had already requested a room far away from all the other mothers.  They let me wear my own clothes, just a lose fitting dress.  It was so much better then a hospital gown, and I looked like a tent in it, but hopefully in a cute way :)

They started the induction by putting pills on my cervix to help dialate me.  I had contractions through the night and they kept checking to see if I was ready for pitocin.  By 1 the next day they finally started pitocin.  Things progressed SO slowly.   Our whole family was in the room with us (normal hospital policy is 4 people besides mom)  Everyone laughed and joked...and ate in front of me! I was allowed breakfast and I secretly had a half of a sand which at lunch.  I was suppose to not eat so when I wanted my epidural I could get it without the worry of being sick.

Hours went by and by the evening my contractions started to get pretty uncomfortable.  I decided to get an epidural since they were only about a minute apart and I couldn't sit and have a conversation with anyone any more.  All the family left and went to the waiting room.  They came in to do my epidural, and after much convincing they allowed my husband to stay in the room with me.  He sat in front of me and held my hands, and I am SO glad he fought to be in there.  The person putting the epidural in told me that I would feel a pinch and that was it.  No it felt like he stabbed my in the spine, then he stuck it in and it sent shooting pains all over the right side of my body.  I told him and he tried to fix it.  He got to a point where it  didn't hurt and tried a test dose.  Everything wet running down my back and after all that work was clearly not in place.  He pulls it out and starts over, more pain lots of moving and by this point I was crying.  It hurt a lot, and I was SO stressed out it took him so long between the 2 epidurals I was so frustrated.  Well I  get back to bed and lay down,  I am a little numb, but mostly it hadn't really helped.

By that night some family members were starting to leave.  It was late, and had been a long day.  People had work in the morning and needed to get back. My grandparents went home and all that was left was my mom and dad, my mother in law, my brother and my daughter, who had refused to leave the hospital.  After trying to camp out in the waiting room the hospital offered them a room.  My daughter had a bench, my mother in law and brother had chairs that converted to beds (the same thing my husband spent his time in.)  And my parents had 1 labor and delivery hospital bed, for the 2 of them to share.

During the night while they were all sleeping my water broke.  I kept waiting and waiting for things to progress, but nothing did.  I slept when I was able, but was up most all of the night.  My husband slept fine though :)

Next morning I woke up in tears.  My epidural had given up and they had 2 options, remove my epidural and place a new one, or remove it and try different pain management which may or may not work.  I was scared to get an epidural again after how bad he hurt me, that and it didn't work after 24 hours.  I asked the nurse what she recommended and she said to get a new epidural.  That she didnt think the other medicine would help and occationally epidurals just dont work quite right.  I trusted her because she had already been my nurse and was so amazing to me, so we went with trying another epidural, as long as it would NOT be the same person.   The anesthesiologist came up and said are you pushing your button??  UGH YESS!  That stupid button didn't work, and what they give you in the initial dose is stronger and has different meds then what the button gives you.  She said before she agreed she wanted to test me first.  She blocked my legs from my sight with a pillow and asked me to tell her if I felt anything and what and where it was.  She starts poking me with a needle.  I told her and she seemed shocked that I was right.  So she went and grabbed her stuff and came back.  She refused to let my husband stay, I told him it was ok, the nurse was staying and she would hold me, so my husband agreed.  The nurse was great, she held me up and was so nice, but once again more epidurals, more problems.  She poked me once and right away said that isn't in the right place we need to start over.  She she starts again.  Gets it in, without pain, and I lay back down.  I was feeling better but I never actually was numb like you should be.  But I couldn't feel the contractions so they said it was working fine.

They kept increasing pitocin throughout the day.  Most of the way through the day I was stuck at 4cm.  I am staving and thirsty and not allowed to be eating, or drinking.  I was sneaking small amounts of water, and some ice chips.  I have never heard of someone not being able to even have ice chips.  I needed something though my mouth was so dry!  But I didn't eat!  After a long day of getting no where while I had constant contractions they decided to call the doctor.  It had been hours of contractions with no rest time between.  Contractions should have been 2-3 minutes apart and mine ended and immediately started again.  They decided to stop pitocin, wait a few hours and go back to the pills that open your cervix.

That night our families went "home".  My parents stayed with my grandparents, and my mother in law with her brother.  Everyone was near by, and on call incase we needed them.  They gave me a pill late that night and then checked me to see where I was 4 hours later.  It had worked, brought me from a 4 to a 6!   Thank goodness  for progress!  So they decided to do another one.   I had gotten another epidral that morning too.  This time the nurses got the doctor to come and do it.  Right away when he saw my back he said, "no wonder you don't feel better, this can't possibly work like that."  But he did my epidural, in the dark in just a few minutes!   I instantly felt numb and a little bit sick.  I knew it was working FINALLY.  After a while they checked me to see if the pill had change, how frustrating!!  Also I was starting to feel a lot more pain again.  I asked if they could come have the doctor re-dose my epidural(they come back and put in a stronger medication.  They told me not yet.  So I was stuck with the stupid button that had the different medication and it did NOTHING.  

At this point the doctors and nurses were talking about how real a need for a c-section was becoming.  I was at a huge risk for infection being in labor that long, not to mention how long it had been since my water broke.  Also the pain medicine kept wearing off, and truthfully I hadn't progressed much in the days since I got there!  Obviously my body wasn't doing what it needed and the medicine wasn't working.  After talking to my midwife she said to keep pushing pitocin. I also found out too much pitocin and it could rupture my uterus. I was crying.  I hurt, I was exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally, and I was mad they would put me at risk for never having more kids.   My dad came in and told me that if I wanted to get the c-section to go for it.  I thought about it, talked to my husband and decided we really should do it.  

My nurse came in and I told her our decision.  I also told her my midwife was going to be mad.  The nurse told me don't worry she was on my side and the midwife could yell at her if she wanted to yell at someone.  The doctor approved my c-section and they brought me my paperwork to sign.  As I signed the paperwork I told my nurse my hip hurt..really really bad, like it was going to break.  Then my water REALLY broke.  I had no idea it hadn't broken completely but apparently there can be multiple bags of water.  I instantly felt better.  At the same time my midwife came into the room and said "I hear your going with the c-section."  I said yes, and the nurse told her I had just lost a ton more fluid.  The midwife checked me and told me that I was 9 cm and this baby was coming c-section he was on his way.  After hours and hours of no progress and days of hardly any in just a moment I went from one extreme to the other.

Everyone seemed to fly around the room as they got things together.  My husband ran out and told our families that we weren't having a c-section after all that he was coming now!!  I think they were as shocked as I was.  He came back in the room in time for them to tell me next contraction you need to push!!  I asked for a water(I hadn't been able to drink since monday!), had a sip and then had to push.  He got stuck though.  He had some HUGE shoulders and one got caught.  The midwife couldn't get him out.  The doctor came running in and worked her magic and got him out.  They put him straight on my chest and one nurse listened for his heartbeat.  He was still hanging on.  I got to hear it and then my husband did too.  I am so thankful to the nurse for handing us the stethascope!  His heart beat for a few minutes but he never took a breath.  I held him in my arms for every beat his heart had. But he was beautiful.  My husband went and told everyone the mom's could come in, since I was getting stitches ect.  We wanted to share him right away. 

After the doctor had finished up with me they allowed the rest of my family to come in.  All at once.  Most of the time its 4 visitors including dad, but as I said I had amazing nurses.  Everyone took a turn holding him and loving him.  It didn't matter that he didn't breathe he was just as loved.  There were many tears as everyone looked at how perfect his tiny body was.  I didn't cry though. I was happy.  My son had taught us and many around us so many things and so many people loved him, I was just happy.  Everything worked out beautifully the whole day.  The pastor came in and said a prayer and baptized him.  I looked around the room as everyone cried watching such a bittersweet moment.  After he was baptized we gave him a bath.  Normally they are done in the nursery but they brought all of the things in our room and even brought it by my bed so I could help.  My husband and I wiped him down and laughed about how incredibly hairy he was.  As we were bathing him he photographer came in.  She took so many pictures that I am so anxious to see.  She brought him a bear, and took her time doing all the pictures.  I know Emery loved that little bear, any time we had the bear in his lap his fingers were around it, though we never put it that way.

While all this is going on, and we are finding ways to love and appreciate our son, the nurse comes in and tells me she needs to talk to me.  She found out that he was eligible to donate his heart valves and wanted to know if we wanted to  do that.  We said of course!  It meant that he could be with us until 11pm then had to go.  We spent every moment up until then loving him.  We did hand prints and foot prints, and clay molds. We took tons of pictures and tried to remember every single thing about how he looked.  My husband cried and snuggled him in the chair, I just smiled.  I was genuinely happy.  I got to hold him, love him, kiss him and seeing my husband so in love with him was amazing.  

I held my angel and he was the most beautiful thing I had seen.   I will miss my son every day of my life but can be happy and proud of what a huge impact he had on so many people, especially his parents.

We love you Emery Iris.  Forever you will be loved and missed.  Thank you for changing the world baby boy, you are such a special gift.  2/6/2013

 His brand new little toes.
 Exactly what I guessed he would weigh
 His sweet little hand
 My beautiful son.
 Getting handprints done
 Holding his bear
 In our lives for just a moment, but changed forever
 Dad snuggling his son.
 So sweet, you can see all the love.
 My little boy
 I love this picture, he love Emery so very much.
 His hairy ear and shoulder
Mom Snuggling Emery
His fresh little fingers